The Importance of building your professional networking relationship

The Importance of building your professional networking relationship
By Jason St.Clair

The Technical definition for a business relationship is, “An association between individuals or companies entered into for commercial purposes and sometimes formalized with legal contracts or agreements. Many senior corporate executives maintain a friendly business relationship with an extensive network of other executives, business people, and contractors that they can call upon for advice or for other business purposes” – Business Dictionary.

For the purpose of this blog, I am going to cut much of the fluff out and get right to the point. You need to make relationships with other businesses if you want to have a business that is successful for the long haul. Relationships help build up your social influence in regards to your business. Making the right relationships with the right people will be mutually beneficial for all parties involved.

Now that you know that you have an idea why you have to build relationships to be successful, the question is who should you build a relationship with. The first targets would be to reach out to those people, who are in your field, are already successful, and have a strong following. Send them a message in person if possible, via Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or even comment on one of their posts. Let know who you are, what are doing, what you are an expert in and how you can help them. Note that this may probably end in failure. However, you must try. You might get someone at the right time and they may be very receptive to what you have to offer. The second group of people that you should reach out to are other business influencers who are just a tier below those top influences. Next would be those people just starting out the same as you are. Your most success in building a relationship is probably going to come from those third-tier people who are starting out. These people are in your shoes and whether you or they know it, you need each other.

Do not be shy and prepare for failure on many of your attempts. However, if your well-intentioned and are able to get that message across to that person you want to build a relationship with your chances of being successful increases dramatically.

Thanks for reading!

Reach out to me for any questions via the contact page

Jason St.Clair

Jason St Clair