What this service is

Do you want to be an entrepreneur but do not know what skill, ability or knowledge you have to share with the world?
Our team has been there before and can help you find what unique combinations of skills ability and knowledge that provide marketable value to others.

We look at the whole person. Not just what you are good at, math for example but the things you really are passionate about, art for example. Once we have a full picture we will help you find a way to use that find your true vocation.

What we offer

We will send you a basic questionnaire to fill out. Once you fill out and return it we will evaluate it, then schedule the first of two calls. The first call will be to discuss the questionnaire and to further get to know you. We will then schedule a second call that will be made about a week later. We will go over the call and questionnaire in the interim and on the second call we will make suggestions on how to use who you are in order to create value that others will pay for.

What is the Cost

There is a one-time fee of $99

In Short

We try to help you find your true calling in life, based on a clear overview of who you are as a person, not just your skill set.