What’s happening in Kazakhstan, #1 worlds top tennis player detained and more
Rocket Hits US Base in Iraq, Google gets Mafia Boss arrested and more
China ramping ups it’s nukes, Japan bolstering navy and more
Iran Launching Space Bombs, China Banning Tattoos and more
China Moving to shut down religious freedom, US Australia Hellfire deal and more
Navy Testing out its new laser, North Korea killing its K-Pop fans, Vietnam cracks down on journalist
US back at table On Iran’s Nukes, US/China holding talks and more
British Army Upgrade, Biden Putin talk Ukraine and more
Sharing Again: Talking with a friend about his father's Columbian Drug Running Days (Explicit)
TINN Poland/Belarus immigrant problem, China/US attempt to ease conflicts
China issues threat to US allies and Spain Blackout fears
$1.2 trillion dollar stimulus passes, going over what's included
Israel missile strike Syria, Rolls-Royce beefs up its military program and more
(Throwback from about a year ago) Full Debate Audio - President Trump VS Joe Biden (Copy)
Iranians getting cyber attacked, Canada and North Korea Refuges
An eyewitness account of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Introduction Of North Korea and North Korea Economy
Russia closes NATO office in retaliation, UAE India Israel USA allegiance in the works
Lebanese civil war brewing between Christians and Muslim sects, China's 2nd manned space station mission
USA holding grudge against Turkey for Russia rocket shield purchase and more