Facing Internal Resistance as a Small Business Owner
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Facing Resistance as a Small Business Owner
We all face resistance - that inner voice telling us to doubt ourselves, procrastinate, or sabotage our success. As Steven Pressfield's book "War of Art" explores, overcoming resistance is the key to completing meaningful, creative work. This battle is especially tough for small business owners.
Running a small business is hard. It's long hours, tough decisions, financial struggles to stay afloat. Resistance will tell you it's not worth it - to throw in the towel or that you're not good enough. However, real achievement comes from the capacity to endure failure, rejection, and obstacles. We must be willing to be uncomfortable and sacrifice security to follow our calling.
Like the author says, "The professional cannot allow the actions of others to define his reality." As a business owner, you can't take setbacks personally or let critics undermine your self-worth. Outsiders will never fully grasp your vision anyway - it's too close to you. Mastering self-validation is critical.
Also key is adopting a "territorial" rather than "hierarchical" mentality. This means deriving sustenance from the work itself rather than external validation. Approach your business with patience, humility, and for the sake of the craft - not fortune or applause. Love the process and small daily wins.
At the end of the day, we must create for creation's sake. Our contributions make the world better, even if we're the last person on earth! Business owners sacrifice so much to pursue their dreams. Don't let resistance cheat your customers and community of the fruits of your labor.
The path is not linear. Some days inspiration strikes; other days sitting down to work feels like torture. Show up anyway. Former Navy SEAL David Googins famously said,"40% rule" - when your mind is telling you you're completely exhausted and done, you likely have 60% left in reserve. This apply to mental fatigue too. Persist past what seems like your limit.
Finally, while passion is crucial, discipline beats passion. As novelist Somerset Maugham said, “I write only when inspiration strikes. Fortunately, it strikes every morning at 9 o’clock sharp.” Set a consistent schedule and stick to it. Frame your work as mandatory to take away resistance's power.
In the end, success goes to those who can endure the boredom, isolation, and grind required to turn pro. Keep grinding every single day, even when you don't feel like it. Have faith that inspiration will strike if you persist. Over time, you'll acquire the self-mastery and resilience required to beat resistance. When we fight resistance with committed effort, we can transform ourselves and the world.
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