Introduction for Joyce Meyer's book Power Thoughts summary


Summary of Joyce Meyer’s book Power Thoughts My intention was to do this book as a mind mapping project But I am still working on that so, I will do my best to summarize this book for now. And, who knows maybe in the near future I will mind map it. Mind mapping – that sounds so technical...or maybe not. Just me By Julie Nogler/Postcard To Heaven Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind Anonymous The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting to get a different result. How many of us can relate to this? Have you ever or are you now living your life this way? I know I at times I still do, especially when it come to relationships and trying to change other people. Bend them, mold them, shape them, whip them into shape. I think you know what I mean LOL Spouses, kids, parents, boss’, brothers, sisters, OURSELVES? Only to get more and more frustrated and even resentful. Even thinking we can pray or will them into being the person we want them to be. Can I get an Amen??? Well, who’s fault is that – theirs- I think not. Do we like that? No! Does anyone care except us? No! So, I think it’s time to shift the focus onto someone we can change – US! Are you ready for some Power Thoughts? I know I am. Introduction Where the mind goes the man follows is a pretty popular quote of Joyce’s. Our thoughts can lead us in all different directions in our lives. Some good paths, some not so good paths depending on the decisions we make. It is important to understand the impact our thoughts have on our lives. Our attitudes about ourselves and others. Everything we do gives us experience for the next things we do in life. I know we probably don’t think this way especially when it is something negative that happens, but even those kind of situations are meant to guide us on our journey. The journey God has for our lives when we put our trust in Him. God has a perfect plan for our lives. I know that can kind of seem kind of far fetched especially if we have been self sufficient all of our lives or we think we have, but, I assure you, He is really in control. Sure he will let us make all kinds of bad decisions which may result in some outcomes we would rather not be in. But, He is still in control. Sure we can refuse to have a relationship with God, but, He is still in control. Again, you can fight Him all the way, but, He is still in control. He gives us all freewill and we can choose to go down a different path, but, he was even in charge of giving you “The Free Will.” Even if we don’t see him working, He is always working behind the scenes. I know He has been working in my life because I am doing this podcast right now. Never in a million years would I think I had anything to share on a podcast. That’s like for famous people or gallant speakers with big you tube followings. See where I am going with this and my thought process. Self-defeating thoughts. Thoughts of not being worthy. Thoughts of not being good enough. Thoughts of – I have nothing of value to share. Maybe I’m over dramatizing this, but I am an introvert by nature. So, this is how I would normally think. But, I’m trying to do what I am teaching you. “Think power thoughts.” I have to or I will not do any of this, because I will be too afraid to fail. Too afraid to not live up to someone elses expectations. But, truthfully, someone elses opinion of me is NONE OF MY BUSINESS! And, that works for you as well. Don’t forget that! I want to share this book with other women and help them to know that they have a built in survival instinct. I want other women to know that they are valuable. And, I want other women to know that they can empower themselves just by changing the way they think. We don’t have to be afraid all the time. The bible says in Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and He answered me, And delivered me from ALL my fears. Not some of my fears Not a few of my fears Not your fears He delivered ME from ALL my fears. Ladies, we have to start having the kind of thoughts that are life changing. We can do it and we not only can do it....but, we can do it together. Take a leap of faith and trust God to help you with this. Take the first step and don’t look back. The rewards will be worth the effort. Well, that concludes this podcast for now I hope you will come back to hear how God can help to change your mind and your life. Let’s end with a prayer: God, we love you and trust you. We are excited about learning a new way to think, a new way to look at life and a new way to look at ourselves. Change our perspective which has been helping to keep us in a defeated mindset. We are ready to change and blossom as the beautiful women you created us to be. Help us to see our worth and value. We know you love us and want the best for us, so help us to continue on this path of taking care of ourselves. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Jason St Clair