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Why Bootstrapping?

According to, there are three definitions of the word bootstrapping. The first definition is the one I think fits my philosophical approach to my business, my blog and my podcast. 

1. Building a business out of very little or virtually nothing. Boot strappers rely usually on personal income and savings, sweat equity, lowest possible operating costs, fast inventory turnaround, and a cash-only approach to selling. Read more:

When I started my business I started with a website, a simple pump a bag of balloons and a cheap apron my mother in law sewed pockets into. I also got a few free business cards and I was on my way.

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For further reading you can check out my blog post on the subject, by clicking here. Why Bootstrapping?
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Thanks for listening to the O’Connor Bootstrap podcast, an Atheoz business solutions podcast. you can reach out to me at if you enjoy my podcasts please subscribe, if you are feeling generous you can find me on Patreon at
Atheoz Isaiah O’Connor For past podcast episodes and blogs please visit our website thank you, everyone, and take care.

Until next time, I have been,
Your Friendly Neighborhood Entrepreneur,
Isaiah O’Connor