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Business and Politics part 2: Being aware

By Isaiah O’Connor

In the last episode about business and politics my personal recommendation was to keep them separate unless of course your business is in politics. This time I am going to tackle the subject of being politically aware.

There are two main questions to this point. The first is should even pay attention to politics, and second, how involved should you be.  I think on this post I will only tackle the first question, and only touch on the second one. 

To start off I did an informal poll in an entrepreneurship group on Facebook. The poll was asking if you should be aware, with 0 being not at all, and 10 being so aware and involved you are staffing a politician campaign. With the middle ground being that you know the issues and how they affect your business.

I had 42 poll respondents and they overwhelmingly voted for the middle ground at option 5, that is you need to be politically aware enough to know how politics affects your business. 

I would have to agree. I personally voted for choice 6, which is to be more than just aware, and I will get into that on the next post in the series.

So why should you be politically aware? Because, changes in government policies surrounding your business could cause you to either gain or lose business, even to the point of a complete loss of business. 

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Business and politics part 2: Being aware Isaiah O'Connor

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For further reading you can check out my blog post on the subject, by clicking here. Business and politics part 2: Being Aware.
For the first episode in the series click here.
Business and politics part 1: Taking action.
For my previous podcast click here.
Deconstructing Passion.
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Until next time, I have been,
Your Friendly Neighborhood Entrepreneur,
Isaiah O’Connor