Listening to These Types of Opinions Could Lead Your Business to Doom
“Take notes from those in the field that are having success, especially the older business that have been around and are still thriving bringing in new business – their knowledge and their adaptability is key here.”
Other people’s opinion
The Unqualified Opinion
When we first decide to start a business, we tend to tell those closest to us our business idea. After telling our closest friends and families what we are planning to do, what is the next words that come out of their mouth? “Ohh, well you should do this instead, or do that instead, or what I really think would work is this!” This advice is coming from a good place, anyone whom has a brain and likes to think critically always thinks to themselves how they could do something better. I mean, we all do it right? Well, nowadays for me, when I hear that someone wants to start their business and need my advice on how to do it, well, that’s how I make my money, so I can’t give away farm! Anyways, back to my point. If you have a business idea, I recommend keeping that idea to your self before you complete the next steps below, the steps just past the “Qualified” individuals noise you will hear.
Next, if you have the contacts and relationships of course, you’d want to bring this business idea to a person whom is currently running their own business successfully and reach out to them, right? Well, I would just wait a moment on that before they give you their input. For one reason, their situation might be completely different than your own. They may have a different product and or service that isn’t anywhere close to what you want to offer. Or they may have started their business a long time ago where the business environment was much different than it is now. While their opinion is most likely much better than the one above. I would wait to ask them of their opinion on how your business plan should be designed.
How to craft a proper business plan
First, craft what your ideal business model would be, without taking in any input from other people or businesses just yet. Put down all of your ideas down on paper. Remember, these are your ideas, not other peoples, you want to put down all of your genius on paper first before reaching out and finding out what other people in your potential field are doing.
Second, take notes from those in the field that are having success, especially the older business that have been around and are still thriving bringing in new business – their knowledge and their adaptability is key here.
Third, take notes from those whom are new in the field and are having great success doing their business. These companies are doing something that is bringing in new customers at a breakneck pace. Take notes at what they are doing.
Finally, put together all three of the scripts together to mesh together a plan that will work
Stick to the plan that you have created for at least 3 months
Make adjustments if necessary, what is working and what isn’t, start to fine tune your businesses plan of attack.
I hope this was helpful, if you need someone to do all that hard work for you, please reach out. It’s what I do and I’m good at it!
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