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Being an actively aware capitalist all the time

What do I mean by this? Being that this is a business and marketing blog, this is the angle I’m going to use to explain what I mean by being actively aware. We live in a capitalist society, we know this, and if your a business owner, small or large your actively participating in being a capitalist. In fact, much of the activities your doing throughout the day revolve around being a capitalist. Choosing where you shop for your groceries, what brand of food you buy there, what type of grocery bag you bought to bag your food are all choices made by you. Or have those choices made for you? I’m sure we would like to think that all of the decisions we make when purchase our products were made by us with no outside influence whatsoever. However, this is not true, this goes for me too! Understand that there is an army of well trained and educated Psychologists/Marketers/Behavioral specialist ect ect that are employed by the largest companies to get that share of your wallet. Be aware that almost everything we consume in our culture is something being sold by someone. I’m sure we all know this, but takes this little blog as a reminder!

Now that is said, my point I’m making during this post is, be actively aware of what news headlines and brands make the most noise are the companies that are currently being to most successful during their ad campaigns. My suggestion here, TAKE NOTES!! See what they are doing an try to morph and mimic their success into your own business. Use my reverse engineering strategy to decipher what the heck is going on and use it to your advantage.

Thanks for reading, and for help with optimizing your business, please reach out to me!
