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Should you always be Actively Marketing?

As business owners, especially ones that can get caught up in the busy day to day operations of the business, we tend to put our marketing on the back burner. We become reactive and not proactive when it comes to actively pursuing new business. We get caught up in doing our daily activities with our business, getting sidetracked by distractions. Honestly, some business owners are the masters of staying busying, especially if it means avoiding the hard work that needs to be done to bring in new business and keep that flow of fresh people into you business. Yes, I do understand that the work needs to be done. Actually doing the service you’ve been paid for, cleaning, paying bills and customer service. However, if you ignore marketing, soon enough you will not have to worry about all those other actives, because you will be out of business. It might not won’t happen overnight, or even over a few months, maybe it will take a year, but that day will soon come and you will regret sitting back and not actively marketing.

How to make time? Well, either your going to have to sleep faster, sleep less, go to sleep earlier, wake up earlier or don’t sleep at all (You get the point); or hire someone to do some of the tasks that are eating up your time and not making money for your business. That extra cost of hiring someone to knock out some of those mundane activities to free up time to work on your art form your selling and your marketing is going to bring in much more money that the extra cost of hiring an employee. If you want to grow, your going to have to change your mindset.

If you need help growing, changing your business mindset or business optimization in general, reach out to me. I'm the best out there.
