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Olive Garden Menu Ad breakdown, techniques and targets used

One way that we can teach ourselves how to be a skilled commercial writer is breaking down exactly what is in the commercial, piece by piece, then making changes we think would’ve made it a better commercial/ad. It also gives us a good outline of how to create a captivating ad for ourselves. This method was created by Ed Nash from his book Direct Marketing which was made for copywriting, but I like it for commercials and I will be using it on a Olive Garden Commercial that is on YouTube. 

There are 9 steps to Reverse Engineering a commercial. 

1)      What kind of lists, target market or publications do you think that they are using?

2)      What is their objective? What do they want you to do?

3)      Describe the formats and the elements in production terms.

4)      How is the product or service, “positioned?” How else can it be positioned?

5)      What are the practical benefits are they offering you?

6)      What emotional or self-esteem appeal was used or could’ve been used?

7)      What headline was meant to stop you and get you interested to watch on?

8)      Did it encourage you to act now rather than later? How?

9)      How would you Improve it? 

1. I believe that they’ve most likely used a group study to come up with the basis of how this commercial was created. These people were probably selected from some of their most valued customers opinions on why they enjoy Olive Garden.

2. There main objective in this commercial is there new product launch. In this case being the Grilled Chicken/Steak Crostada menu item. 

3. The two main characters are in an Olive Garden, the mother and son are sitting at a table together. Both are laughing and engaging in conversation with each other. 

4. The menu item is pretty much front and center here, Olive Garden is showing close ups, perfectly prepared food. This commercial feels very high energy and positive. Olive Garden is and connecting the emotional bond with a mother and son with the food item. Bouncing back and forth from the food item then back to the family.

5. The practical benefits of this commercial is a menu item. Come here and have a good, well prepared dinner. 

6. The emotional/self-esteem appeal was the mother and son connection. This was not hidden at all, it was front and center. 

7. Right at the beginning of the commercial when the mother and son are at home. The mother states, “ On nights when Dad works late, we treat ourselves a bit.”

8. This did not entirely sell me on act now. More of dropping a suggestion that if you have some free time and want to eat out, come see us. 

9. I would have a better call to action. Maybe offer a special if they come in within the next month, get a free fountain drink. Create a bit urgency. 

Thanks for reading! I hope it was helpful!

Jason St Clair

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