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Viral Marketing for the local small business

                Many small business owners may think that a creating a purposeful and powerful viral marketing campaign is really only for national and world wide brands like Nike or McDonald’s. This is not true. As a small business, the world is truly your oyster when it comes to creating a viral marketing campaign. Yes, when your creating this viral campaign your goal is not to get 1 million plus views on your video. But, your goal here is maybe 3 to 5 thousand, or even more depending on the size of the city in which you live.

 A quick script on how you could produce your own viral marketing campaign below, this is all about publishing content on a framework that has been proven successful

1. Find online content that has worked well within your scope of your business, maybe even some content that has worked well locally that doesn’t have anything to do with your business.

2. While reviewing this content, try and identify what is missing and what you can add to yours to make it better and with more impact.

3. Promote your content as much as you can. All your social media platforms, even throw a little money at it to boost it to help push it forward to gain some momentum.

You should not put self-limiting marketing activities based on the size of your business. Getting yourself out of this mindset is going to be paramount for you to grow your business.

 If you need help creating a viral marketing campaign, please reach out to me and I will be glad to offer my assistance.

Take care, I hop all of you have a great day!

Jason St Clair