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Adding a Premium Service for you clientele

If you don’t have a premium service for your business you should consider adding one as soon as possible. Especially if you have a business that has a membership cost/fee for usage. For example, if you own a fitness studio/gym of any kind, adding premium services is almost a must. It adds value to your business and also bring in extra income. Common premium services that gyms use are personal trainers and group fitness classes. Both usually have a flat fee for service. The group classes premium usually ranges from $10-20 extra a month. The personal trainers usually anywhere between 50 minimum and up. These are both tried and true methods of adding value and dollars to your business. However, you could also take the “premium service” a step further. You could offer early entrance or late exit for “X “ amount of your clientele as to create an exclusivity to it, an extended hours service that some might be willing to pay a good buck for that extra benefit. You could also throw in some goodies for those premium clients, like a free energy bar and/or smoothie. In fact, if you have a smoothie bar, you could also a monthly membership to the smoothie bar, where they can earn a smoothie a day, or a smoothie a week for X amount of dollars. You could add that as a bonus to your premium membership. The more options you give them, the more money you can potentially bring in. However, when dealing with actual cost, like food and or supplements, make sure your numbers are right and your making a profit from it.

An idea for other businesses premium service for a restaurant:

Restaurant: I know that they don’t operate from a monthly membership, but it could be something to think about. If you have a breakfast diner, the average cost of a meal is 5-6 dollars for you to make, the average cost for the customer for a meal at your diner is $10 a visit. You could offer a 5 meal a week deal for $40-45 a week membership or $160-180 a month fee and still make money from it. Of course, you would have to make some rules like only one meal can be ordered a visit, and something like meals reset at the end of the month. Maybe, even a low-cost T-shirt and Coffee mug to give them at the start. This would be great for those return customers, which up front would appear to save them money. You don’t have to do this with meals, you could do it with coffee or whatever you offer. Be creative, these kind of options for you customers create loyalty, and also makes them feel special and a part of something. This also helps you bring in more income, because, even if they only use 4 out of the 5 meals/drinks a week for the month. Overall, your bringing in more money and a steady, predictable income from those clienteles.

If you need some help with coming up with new ways, or honing your currently business model, please reach out to me. I can help you build it up promote it and execute it.

Thank you,

Jason St Clair