Solely relying on referrals and word of mouth for your small business

                There are some companies that are indeed able to survive and have a business making profits for them by working hard, creating consistent results for the customer and have their customers marketing for them. However, these companies are missing out on a large segment of potential customers that may not even know that they exist. More importantly, the majority of small businesses can’t survive alone on just working hard and creating a great service or product for a customer. Your company needs to advertise. But, where to advertise? You don’t have the big budgets for a billboard, newspaper or television commercials, so what are your options? You can do social media for free, however, without paid ads the social media companies aren’t going to exactly put your content in front of everyone.

Well, actually, social media is the answer. But, it is in paid advertisement. Having paid advertisement on social media is very affordable, however, you better be sure that you are putting out the right content with the right message attach. Otherwise, you will be throwing your money away. We can provide targeted, well curated ads for your business here at I have experience running to real brick and mortar companies, an Athletic Club and Insurance Agency. I have spent the dollars that didn’t need to be spent in order to know what works to bring in customer. Please reach out to me if you’re interested in bringing some customer into your business



Jason St Clair