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Never Give Up

By Isaiah O’Connor

On this post, I will be talking about a man who dealt with several major setbacks in his life. Despite all the setbacks he never gave up and made a large impact on history. For now, I will be calling him Spencer.

His life started off promising enough. He was born into wealth and power on November 30, 1874. Despite, or rather because of the status of his family, he was all but ignored by his parents. He was raised by a nanny who he was attached to and then sent off to boarding school at the age of 7.  

At the boarding school, he was a bad student constantly being in the bottom of the class, His mom rarely visited, and even forgot to send him Christmas gifts. His dad never had a real relationship with him, did not visit him and could not even remember how old he was. His father called him “A troublesome boy”

Spencer's father did not think he was capable enough to enter the better universities, so he sent him to military school instead. Even being able to get into the school was hard, due to his lack of academic ability. He did do better there and out of a class of 130, he graduated 20th. While he was waiting for deployment with the army he went to Cuba as a war correspondent. When he came back he found himself the center of controversy. Some accused him of being a spy and supporting the wrong side.  

Spenser then went and fought in a few different campaigns and wars the British had. He still worked as a war correspondent and wrote books about his experience afterward.  The books were well received by the public but not so much the military brass. He had the audacity, to tell the truth about what happened, and the high ups in the military did not like that.

He resigned his commission and went down to South Africa to serve as a war correspondent and was captured, he managed to escape and make it back to England.  When he arrived home he wrote two books and managed to become a member of parliament.

His time in parliament was full of controversy, of which I do not have time to go into. Then he made a controversial decision that caused a great military disaster, and he was removed from his position.  At this time a lot of his “Friends” abandoned him letting him take the full brunt of the fall out from the disaster.

Spenser remained in parliament and held several minor roles and even for a time lost his seat in parliament altogether.  He eventually returned but did not hold any real office or sway within the party, most people believed he was politically finished.  He was 56 years old, and out of step with the public opinion.

Well during this time WWII Started.  Despite all his problems, he did become instrumental in defeating Nazi Germany.  After the defeat of Germany, Briton held a general election and he lost his position in but remained a member of parliament.  He still managed to cause controversy unintentionally. He did however, regain office within parliament again and held it until he retired in 1955.

He gave a speech in which he said;

“Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never--in nothing, great or small, large or petty--never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”

Well, as you may have guessed his full name. Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill. Who when you look into his life you find the story of a flawed man who had struggles and made big mistakes, and yet, never gave up, and changed the course of history.

The same goes for business, no matter what do not give up. You may fail on your first business attempt, many do, but never give up. Learn from your mistakes, dust yourself off and do better until you win.

Speaking of business attempts next time I will be discussing some ways to turn your hobby into a business.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Entrepreneur ,
Isaiah O’Connor.
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