Make A Smart Affordable Business Plan First

Jason St.Clair

You’ve completed everything that needed to be completed in your business. You have the space, whether that is digital or real, you have all the licensing done, you have all your necessary insurances taking care of. And you’ve opened your doors for business. Who are the first people to walk through that door? The Sales people!

They tell you that you need to market with them, they are very convincing in their approach and they know exactly what to say to get you to spend some money with them and advertise. Being that you are pretty new to owning a business, and in reality, you probably don’t really know how to market cost efficiently whatsoever. Your pretty much all in with this salesperson. This salesperson happens to be a newspaper salesperson.

He convinces you that you need to buy a full page ad to really get it out there that you’re open. He tells you the cost of a full-page ad, this usually ranges around $1,500 to $3,000 for the local newspaper, depending on the size of the distribution. That’s a large chunk of change! Especially since you’ve just opened up, but, the salesperson convinces you that the cost is large, it’ll bring in double dollar amount easy. He tells success stories. Now you're all in, you buy that big ad. The weekend edition where you bought the ad comes out. You're pumped! You’re ready for all these people to come in and be your customer!

The day passes, and only two people show up. Your devastated and out up to $3,000. Your defeated, you finish up the day close your doors. The next day comes, you have a positive mindset, maybe they will come today! You open your doors, and who is the first person that comes in, another salesperson, this time trying to sell you a radio ad. Out of desperation, you buy their ad. Same results. If you’ve ever owned a small business, this may have happened to you. Why do I know this, because this happened to me! I had to learn the hard way by spending tons of money letting other “experts” do my companies marketing for me.

            You must have a great marketing plan if you’re going to start your own business, it’s as important as all the other processes of your business, maybe even more important than the other tasks, because without customers, what do you have? A money pit. I have honed the small business marketing plan, through a cost-effective digital marketing plan, and a local community marketing plan to help bring in customers for your company. Reach out to me and I can help. Don’t throw away your money on some expensive fancy ads. The success comes a cost-effective, consistent marketing plan with a solid message attached.


Jason St Clair