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My (Jason's) Take on Article 13

                If you haven’t heard about article 13 passing in the EU in regards to copyright law, I will give a very brief synopsis. Basically, content creators are going to be very limited on how they share media which was created by another person and or company. More or less they will need direct permission from the creator to re-upload their content. The liability will now lie on the platform rather than the Individual that uploads the content. I do believe that memes were an exception to the rule, however, it’s going to be extremely tough police that by creating algorithms to police whether or not something is a meme, or it’s a copy right violation.

                What’s my take on this? Well, creators are just going to have to get more creative to reach the audiences in the EU. Creators and scream and moan, but this is pretty much a done deal. I know that a gigantic part of Social Media websites depends on this type of content that has just been banned in the EU. It’s really going to test many of the Social Media creators if they can keep up and make real original content. While this will only effect EU member states that approve the law, that’s still a very large swath of internet users whom will not be able to watch that creators content, if it does indeed violate the new Article 13 law. Now, each member state of the EU union has 2 years to accept this new law from what I understand. Which allows for amendments and such.

                I understand change is very tough, especially for those people whom have created a career re-uploading content with their commentary. However, I trust that the creators, which many of whom are very talented and creative individuals will find a way to publish their very own original content.

                In regards to business, being that this is in fact a business blog ;), we’ll just have to use our creative minds to create something that is uniquely ours. The good thing about creating something new, is that with the new Article 13 law, it would protect your original content from being re-used without your specific permission.   I have to end on a positive note you know.

Take care All
