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Required Secondary Powers: An introduction

By Isaiah O'Connor

At the end of my last post I alluded to something called "required secondary powers." This comes from the website TV Tropes and a full article can be found here Required Secondary Powers. To sum up, most superpowers you see in the movies, only work if they have other secondary powers to go with it.

For example, let us take the power of super speed. In order to run super fast, you would need super breathing, super heat resistance, super eyesight, and super metabolism. Without all these things your power would become difficult to use at best and deadly at worst.

 Take just one, super speed. In real life, the Australian Tiger beetle is the fastest insect on earth. It can cover about 8 feet in one second. At first, this does not sound that impressive, that is until taking into consideration how tiny they are, less than half an inch long. When you adjust for their size they run the equivalent of 10x faster than the fastest human sprinter. In other words, they are a super speedster. They do not have to worry about air resistance as much because they are so small. However, they do have a vision problem. When they get up to speed they are traveling so fast that their eyes are not capable of receiving enough photons to be able to see clearly. Their vision becomes blurred and they have to stop to correct there course often. They run in short bursts to compensate for there lack of super eyesight.

So let us go ahead and apply this to entrepreneurship. You have now taken the time to find your passion, and you decide to take the leap of faith and start with your new business idea. This becomes your primary "superpower." However, you will need to have and develop some other abilities in order to succeed. Some of these come naturally, some are born of your passion, and some can be developed, but all are needed.

Things like integrity, determination, self-discipline, confidence, creativity and a willingness to learn are vital to success. Without these “Powers” success can be elusive, no matter how good of a product or service you offer. With them, you can succeed even with an average level good or service.  Now not everyone is born with these qualities, however, that is nothing to worry about. You can use your passion for your business to develop the qualities you lack.

This is the start of a series/ For the next few posts, I will be addressing some of these “Powers” that you can develop, starting with determination.

Until the next post, I remain,
Your Friendly Neighborhood Entrepreneur
Isaiah O’Connor

You can listen to the podcast on this subject, here. Required Secondary Powers.

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