Spending Your Marketing Budget The Right Way
“The proper way to build up your customer base a sustainable and affordable way is through organic video marketing”
This past weekend I spoke with a potential client whom had been running their business for around 3 years. They had grown to a point where they have been able to pay off all of their business loans and debts related to the business within the last year. They decided that they wanted to grow their customer base much more than it had been. Because, like I stated before. Its growth had stagnated. We all know as business owners that if we don’t bring in new customers regularly then eventually, they will go out of business. Even our most loyal customers eventually move on. Sometimes they move from the area, sometimes there’s a significant life event that happens, like a lost job, or even death. This is why businesses all must be on a perpetual growth mindset. You must plan for the lost customer. However, this wasn’t the primary reason for the call. The primary reason for the call was that they had set a certain amount of money aside for marketing.
The amount that they had saved up was $10,000. They were looking to run ads on google. Being that they were in the restaurant business their cost per click was somewhat high but they were ready to make the leap. The potential client was asking me for my opinion on the matter. Being that I have been there and done that, both with great success and failure.
What I told them was to pump the breaks on giving all that money to google. Yes, in the short term they might in fact bring in more money than they spent, big emphasis on MIGHT. However, they’re a small business and they would not be able to afford a misstep if they built there marketing program on google ads alone. The proper way to build up your customer base a sustainable and affordable way is through organic video marketing, but with paid post boosts. You can also venture into the realm of audio if you like and get your podcast listed at the front of the line for pennies on the dollar compared to a google click ad.
You might think that you don’t have anything interesting to offer, but I can tell you. If you have a business and you offer anything that might be interesting at all. You can post something new almost daily! Save your money, don’t spend it all on google. Strategically build up you customer base the right way, without taking shortcuts.
If you need help reach out to me, jason@atheoz.com
Thanks for Reading,
Jason St Clair
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