How To Regularly Make Content, For Your Business, Or Personal
I know that in the past I have really hammered the point home on having a very active marketing campaign. Especially with the format of video. I know how hard it is to get ideas for videos together and get them together in a cohesive/coherent matter. Shoot, I even struggle with getting videos together. As a Business Management Consultant and Marketer its difficult to make videos that are interesting for other people to watch! Writing and podcasting is much easier for me.
“Resistance is what was really holding you back. The idea of the what if! What if I fail? What if I get laughed at?... As business owners we need to really drive through that barrier and overcome those fears on a daily basis”
However, all three forms of content can be a real struggle at times. The reason for that is a phrase that one of my business associates told me when I was running my Financial/Insurance Agency; that phrase was analysis paralysis. Overthinking my next steps to the point not doing a dang thing. However, I managed to break through those thoughts and ideas from a book that was recommended to me called, The War Of Art, Written by Steven Pressfield, like many books, I don’t agree with some of the stuff he gets into, however, what I did really connect with was the idea that resistance is what was really holding you back. The idea of the what if! What if I fail? What if I get laughed at? In the book he really drives home the point that we all have that voice making doubt in our minds. As business owners we need to really drive through that barrier and overcome those fears on a daily basis if not hourly for many of us. Just get down and dirty and do the work we have to do, even though that resistance is holding us back. Shoot, many of us get that feeling even while we are getting content together! I’m feeling it right now as I’m typing!
Therefore, the message I’m trying to get across today is, just do the work. Get past those thoughts of doubt. It’s lying to you! That is the most important step to making content for your business. The very first step, getting past you own self doubt and getting the work done.
Thank you for reading, I also do a podcast which the link is below
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Take Care,
Jason St Clair
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