How Ford's Creative Team Made A Successful Viral Commercial
“The want to show off that although he is tough as tough can be, he can still be a family man and drive a SUV.”
One way that we can teach ourselves how to be a skilled commercial writer is breaking down exactly what is in the commercial, piece by piece, then making changes we think would’ve made it a better commercial/ad. It also gives us a good outline of how to create a captivating ad for ourselves. This method was created by Ed Nash from his book Direct Marketing which was made for copy-writing, but I like it for commercials and I will be using it on a Ford Explorer Commercial that is on YouTube.
There are 9 steps to Reverse Engineering a commercial.
1) What kind of lists, target market or publications do you think that they are using?
2) What is their objective? What do they want you to do?
3) Describe the formats and the elements in production terms.
4) How is the product or service, “positioned?” How else can it be positioned?
5) What are the practical benefits are they offering you?
6) What emotional or self-esteem appeal was used or could’ve been used?
7) What headline was meant to stop you and get you interested to watch on?
8) Did it encourage you to act now rather than later? How?
9) How would you Improve it?
Here is the commercial I used - > Ford 2020 Explorer Commercial
1. If I was going to breakdown the commercial and see whom they would be targeting here are people that fall in the mid/mid upper middle class professional. The age range would be 30 to 50 male professional and family person. Also, you can see they are targeting those people whom like to stand out among the crowd. You can see they are really hitting the male audience here with the overly macho test pilot yet caring father/grandfather
2. The objective of the commercial is to show that a SUV is not only for the Moms in the family but also the Dads. However, they do this not by really emphasizing how masculine the vehicle is, however, how masculine the vehicle operator is. Showing off a very tough outer shell with a very soft inner shell. Much like the vehicle travelling off road and then into line at parent pickup. Truly a versatile vehicle.
3. They set up the pilot/father to be the center of attraction. The want to show off that although he is tough as tough can be, he can still be a family man and drive a SUV. Which honestly, many of my father friends still despise but have giving in, just because the amount of space and utility it has for their family. Also, it’s not a minivan!
4. The vehicle is positioned truly for the father figure
5. In this commercial, the practical benefits are its versatility and comfort.
6. Smiles, family in the back seat playing, shopping. Really pulling at the heartstrings here.
7. Emotional self esteem that was really targeted here was even though you have a tough job, you can still be the family man you were meant to be
8. I didn’t see any real call to action here, however the branding of the SUV was very apparent and clear.
9. Honestly, this commercial, the way it was written and performed. The platform it was on was perfect. This video has just about 20 million views, which says it all.
I’m going to try do these weekly, like I said before, but I always get sidetracked by consulting! How dare you work get in the way of fun!
If you need help getting one of your very own commercials together, please reach out, its what I do and I do it well.
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